100% discreet delivery for all our customers. Your order will be packaged according to size and content of your order.

Packaging will only display customer details of who will be receiving the goods and the senders details with no description of contents or nature of business.

 Customers who have chosen  to receive email or sms notification, will receive  an email or txt based on their preferred method of contact when order has been placed and one more when their order is shipped.


All Orders of $249 and over will be Delivered FREE of Charge within Australia.

All Orders of $250 and over will be Delivered FREE of Charge within most countries Worldwide.

Check our Estimator on the products but we give you the best shipping prices we can.

Delivery Times

All orders are shipped from our Australian Warehouses.

Order Delivery times are based on time and date of day the order is shipped.

Orders are shipped via Australia Post .

Orders are processed within 24 hours of  being received. 

Within Metro areas, deliveries will be between 2 - 5 business days

Regional area deliveries will be between 5 - 12 business days and could be longer based on the remoteness of some delivery addresses. 

International Order Deliveries will be between 10 - 15 business days.

Should any deliveries be delayed customers affected will be notified by their chosen method of contact as per when the order was placed.

All customers are welcome to email our customer service team with any inquiries regarding their order or any product information.


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